I like turtles
Why do you like turtles so much?
it has been over a year and a half since my last ceremony.
which was way to long.
my son came up from scottsdale for the ceremony.
I like turtles
Why do you like turtles so much?
it has been over a year and a half since my last ceremony.
which was way to long.
my son came up from scottsdale for the ceremony.
I have a very hard time remembering any visions but I remember trying just to view them without any judgements as they would get in the way of adding ego mental outputs to what's happening. I remember re-experiencing a spankings I got from my father when I was one, two, and three, that colored my entire relationship with him till the day he died, which led me to feeling forgiveness for him and a deep sadness for him because of our never having a good relationship while living. Extending heartfelt forgiveness with and ending any malice I think is very therapeutic.
I think these personal visions help one to empty some of his shadow, owning our own evil and unrepressing one dark side leads to more wholeness because we are more in touch our real selves. It also unlocks talents we have tucked away in that shadow. This brew helped me to accept myself more and in turn other people.
talking about tomorrow's wt study, that mentions over a quarter of a million baptized every year, a jw asked how many that is a day.
i got out my calculator and answered over 778 a day.
of course they were amazed at the growth, but immediatly i googled another statistic and read it aloud:.
The last conventions I went to was in the early part of year 2000. Always just 1 -5 getting dunked. I think the figures that the WT corporation give are very suspect and most likely heavily inflated as they try to : "Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative" in their published material.
us prosecutors are reportedly considering charging 'el chapo' guzman with the killings of 6 us citizens and a dea agent.
"the first killings came on december 2, 1984, when four jehovah's witness missionaries, two men and two women, knocked on the door of a drug lord.
godoy, who was then also working as a body guard for ernesto fonseca, another guadalajara kingpin, said the missionaries were tortured and the women raped.
They should put this JW witnessing experience on their web site to warn their members of the potential dangers one might encounter in the indiscriminate door to door work.
I see cart work as a much more safer work but will they even warn their members about this danger I think not judging how they let pedophiles run loose inside the congregation to molest children.
he hasn't been in the limelight before, so here's his debut:.
What a very bad time to be made a Governing Body member. With all these lawsuits and closing & selling of KH and other real estate to maintain financial stability. Kind of like rearranging deck furniture on the Titanic after it bashed into an iceberg.
Should we congratulate him or send him sympathy cards?
it has been over a year and a half since my last ceremony.
which was way to long.
my son came up from scottsdale for the ceremony.
Great insights. Although I never have taken the sacrament with a shaman, as I would make up a nice big batch of the brew that I mostly did it alone. My girlfriend at the time said that afterwards I would always be more kinder and generous. The greatest benefits for me was an uncovering of my Shadow(Jungian) and reliving childhood trauma that happened between 1-5 years of age which tended to make me more peaceful as the days went on as I slowly integrated it.
Just one of the many world wide losses for the USA Watchtower corporation. Their investment abroad seem to be vanishing by huge amounts I'm sure Spain, Portugal, England, Australia, Netherland, just to name a few are also going to vanish big time.